It’s really hard to put pen to paper today. It’s a sad day. It’s a devastating day. For the Michigan State community, it’s a healing process day.
Less than 24 hours ago, a tragedy took place on Michigan State’s campus as a 43-year-old man walked into the Union and Berkey Hall and began firing his gun. He took the lives of three innocent students and five others were sent to the hospital and are still in critical condition.
The community is devastated.
No longer is there a sense of safety and security when these students walk across campus, especially at night. Senseless acts like these can happen at any time. Having that sense of security stolen from you by a selfish monster hurt more than anyone can understand and every single student on the campus now has to live like that.
Michigan State is the place that we all love and it was always a place that brought joy when you thought about it. Now it’s where a nightmare took place.
We must come together as a community to make sure this doesn’t happen again.
Students who were used to being able to leave their dorms and go anywhere on campus they wanted will now have to be more cautious. When you’re in college, the last thing you should be worried about is safety and security. It should be about weekend plans and test grades. It shouldn’t be whether or not you’ll be able to safely make it to class, the cafeteria, or study groups.
Michigan State will bounce back.
If there’s one thing I know about the Michigan State community of current students and alums, it’s that it is one big family. Everyone has each other’s backs and it’s more important now than ever to reach out to the MSU students you currently know and tell them you’re there if they ever need to talk.
The only way the current students and faculty members who experienced the horrors of a school shooting on Monday night will be able to recover is if the community rallies behind them.
So let’s all build this community back up and show the rest of the nation just why we consider East Lansing “home” and our fellow Spartans “family.”