Michigan State basketball has had unmatched success over the past couple of decades, and with great basketball comes great uniforms.
If you’ve come here looking for neons, you probably won’t be leaving with a smile on your face. I am 100 percent anti-neon. If you like neon, we can be friends, but I will never put a uniform with neon coloring on a top-five list.
You do have the option of keeping up with Michigan State basketball via Spartan Avenue and catching some neons on my worst five Spartan uniforms list in the near future.
Enough about the neons and into the actual list.
MSU basketball has had some amazing uniforms over the years. The green and white color combination just works on basketball jerseys. When combined with simplistic designs, it thrives. When they throw in gold or black, it excels.
There have been some great throwbacks and timeless designs, and the teams performance on the court has reflected this success over the past 20 years.
They’ve even brought gold into the mix in multiple scenarios, creating some of the greatest combinations in the history of this program, while also dropping a huge dud of a uniform that’ll make an appearance on the worst uniforms of all time list. One thing is for sure: the designers for these uniforms have worked tirelessly for years so that our basketball players look good, and they’ve succeeded for the most part.
Today, we’ll be looking at the best of these designs. It wasn’t easy to choose, but the list you’ll see is my favorite uniforms. It’s an opinion-based list and you’re welcome to disagree, but hopefully we’ll find some common ground on my top five Spartan uniforms of all time.