Weston Bridges recently made the move to receiver from running back and that’s made the depth chart a little bit tougher to break in to, but Tre Mosley certainly has the talent to do just that.
The 6-2, 180-pound wide out from West Bloomfield has enrolled early and played during the Spartans’ spring game, showing fans that he can be a capable receiver in this growing and improving offense. However, he’ll be behind Cody White, Darrell Stewart Jr., Jalen Nailor, Cam Chambers, CJ Hayes, Laress Nelson and now likely Bridges — at least to start.
But that doesn’t mean he has no room to grow. In fact, he may have the most to gain of any receiver on the roster because of his high ceiling and low current positioning on the depth chart.
Mosley was an absolute monster at the high school level and when he had the ball in his hands, he was lethal. He has plenty of speed and showed flashes of Golden Tate, making defenders miss and gaining some serious YAC.
The offense needs a spark and Mosley can be just that — and I predict he will.